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Load Compensator – Review

NOVEMBER 02, 2022

Hydraulic systems are used in a wide variety of industrial and manufacturing applications. The safety and efficiency of these systems are essential for maintaining productivity and preventing equipment damage or failure. One important component of a hydraulic system is the load compensator, which helps regulate the load on the system to prevent overloading and reduce stress on components. In this guide, we will explore the function and benefits of load compensators in hydraulic systems.


Load Compensator Features

Load compensators are essential components in hydraulic systems that allow for the safe and efficient operation of equipment. A load compensator works by adjusting the flow rate of hydraulic fluid to match the load on the system, preventing overloading and reducing stress on hydraulic components. Load compensators are available in different types and configurations, each with its own unique features and benefits.

Some of the key features of load compensators include their ability to detect changes in load and adjust the flow rate accordingly. Load compensators may also have pressure relief valves that protect the system from pressure spikes. Additionally, load compensators may be equipped with flow meters that provide feedback on system performance.

The components of a load compensator typically include a pressure sensor, flow control valve, and a controller or microprocessor that regulates the system's output. Load compensators may also have other components such as filters, accumulators, and check valves, depending on the specific application.

In terms of how load compensators work, they function by detecting changes in load on the system and adjusting the flow rate to match the load. When the load increases, the load compensator increases the flow rate to match the increased demand. Conversely, when the load decreases, the flow rate is reduced to prevent overloading and conserve energy.

Overall, the features of load compensators allow for safe and efficient operation of hydraulic systems, preventing damage to equipment and improving productivity.


Load Compensator – Review


Benefits of using Load Compensator

A load compensator is an essential component in hydraulic systems that helps maintain a consistent load on hydraulic machinery. Using a load compensator can prevent overloading, reduce stress on the hydraulic system, increase the lifespan of the equipment, and enhance overall productivity.

Load compensators come in different types, including pressure-compensated and load-sensing compensators. The pressure-compensated compensator works by regulating pressure to maintain a consistent flow rate, while the load-sensing compensator adjusts the pump output based on the load on the system to maintain a constant pressure and flow rate.

By using a load compensator, the hydraulic system can maintain a consistent load, preventing overloading and reducing stress on the machinery. This results in a longer lifespan for the equipment and reduces maintenance costs in the long run. Additionally, load compensators can improve overall productivity by ensuring that the machinery is running at optimal levels.

Overall, the benefits of using a load compensator are numerous, including increased safety, reduced maintenance costs, improved efficiency, and increased productivity. When designing or maintaining a hydraulic system, it is essential to consider the load requirements of the equipment and choose the right type of load compensator for optimal performance.


How to Choose the Right Load Compensator

Choosing the right load compensator for your hydraulic system is essential for efficient and safe operation. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a load compensator:

  1. Load Requirements: The load compensator should be selected based on the specific load requirements of the equipment. This includes understanding the weight of the load and the amount of force required to move it.

  2. Hydraulic System Compatibility: The load compensator should be compatible with the hydraulic system it will be used in. This includes ensuring that the load compensator is designed for the specific hydraulic system and has the correct fittings and connections.

  3. Type of Load Compensator: There are different types of load compensators available, including pressure-compensated load-sensing compensators and flow-compensated load-sensing compensators. The type of load compensator needed will depend on the specific requirements of the hydraulic system.

  4. Load Compensator Performance: The load compensator should be selected based on its performance characteristics, such as accuracy and response time. It is important to select a load compensator that is capable of accurately and quickly adjusting the system to changes in load.

  5. Budget and Maintenance Considerations: The cost of the load compensator and its maintenance requirements should also be considered when selecting a load compensator. It is important to select a load compensator that is within budget and that can be easily maintained to ensure long-term reliability and performance.

Overall, selecting the right load compensator for your hydraulic system requires careful consideration of the load requirements, hydraulic system compatibility, load compensator type, performance characteristics, and budget and maintenance considerations.


Load Compensator – Review


Maintenance of Load Compensator

Regular maintenance and inspection of load compensators are essential to ensure they function effectively and continue to provide safety and efficiency benefits. Here are some key maintenance tips for load compensators:

  1. Regular Inspection: Load compensators should be inspected regularly to detect any potential issues. Look for signs of wear and tear, leaks, and other damage that could affect the performance of the load compensator.

  2. Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the load compensator can help prevent contamination that could affect performance. Use a lint-free cloth to wipe down the components and ensure they are free of debris.

  3. Replacing Components: Over time, components of the load compensator may wear out or become damaged. These components should be replaced as necessary to ensure the load compensator functions effectively.

  4. Troubleshooting: If you notice any issues with the load compensator, such as increased noise, reduced performance, or other problems, troubleshoot the issue to determine the cause and take appropriate action.

  5. Expert Assistance: If you are unsure how to maintain or troubleshoot your load compensator, seek expert assistance. A hydraulic system specialist can help you identify any issues and recommend appropriate maintenance or repairs.

By following these maintenance tips, you can help ensure your load compensator continues to function effectively and provide safety and efficiency benefits to your hydraulic system.


Load Compensator Reviews.

When choosing a load compensator, it can be helpful to look at reviews from other users to get an idea of how the product performs in real-world applications. In this section, we will look at some load compensators and review their features and user experience.

  1. Parker LoadMatch System

The Parker LoadMatch System is a load-sensing hydraulic system that is designed to provide precise control and energy efficiency. This system includes a load-sensing pump, load-sensing valves, and a load-sensing controller. Users have reported that this system provides smooth and efficient operation, with precise control over the load. However, some users have noted that the system can be complicated to install and maintain.

  1. Sun Hydraulics LoadMatch System

The Sun Hydraulics LoadMatch System is a load-sensing hydraulic system that is designed to reduce energy consumption and increase productivity. This system includes a load-sensing pump, load-sensing valves, and a load-sensing controller. Users have reported that this system is easy to install and provides efficient operation, with smooth and precise control over the load. However, some users have noted that the system can be expensive.

  1. Bosch Rexroth Load-Sensing System

The Bosch Rexroth Load-Sensing System is a hydraulic system that is designed to provide precise control and high efficiency. This system includes a load-sensing pump, load-sensing valves, and a load-sensing controller. Users have reported that this system provides smooth and efficient operation, with precise control over the load. However, some users have noted that the system can be expensive and difficult to install and maintain.

  1. Hydac Load-Sensing System

The Hydac Load-Sensing System is a hydraulic system that is designed to provide precise control and high efficiency. This system includes a load-sensing pump, load-sensing valves, and a load-sensing controller. Users have reported that this system provides efficient operation, with smooth and precise control over the load. However, some users have noted that the system can be difficult to install and maintain.

  1. Eaton Load-Sensing System

The Eaton Load-Sensing System is a hydraulic system that is designed to provide precise control and energy efficiency. This system includes a load-sensing pump, load-sensing valves, and a load-sensing controller. Users have reported that this system provides efficient operation, with smooth and precise control over the load. However, some users have noted that the system can be complicated to install and maintain.

  1. HAWE Load-Sensing System

The HAWE Load-Sensing System is a hydraulic system that is designed to provide precise control and high efficiency. This system includes a load-sensing pump, load-sensing valves, and a load-sensing controller. Users have reported that this system provides smooth and efficient operation, with precise control over the load. However, some users have noted that the system can be expensive and difficult to install and maintain.

Overall, when choosing a load compensator, it is important to consider factors such as load requirements, hydraulic system compatibility, and cost. Reading reviews from other users can also be helpful in making an informed decision.


Load compensators play an essential role in hydraulic systems, providing safety, efficiency, and productivity benefits. By preventing overloading, reducing stress on hydraulic components, and enhancing overall productivity, load compensators can help ensure that hydraulic systems are operating at optimal levels. Proper selection and maintenance of a load compensator can help ensure that these benefits are realized.