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Rexroth Pump Tuning Information

NOVEMBER 02, 2022

Rexroth pumps are widely used in hydraulic systems across industries, from manufacturing and construction to agriculture and transportation. These pumps play a critical role in ensuring the efficient and reliable operation of hydraulic systems. Proper pump tuning is essential to maintain optimal pump performance, reduce energy consumption, and prevent costly damage to equipment.

In this article, we will explore the importance of proper pump tuning for Rexroth pumps and provide a guide on how to perform the necessary adjustments. We will also discuss common issues that may arise during the tuning process and offer tips for troubleshooting and ongoing maintenance. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to tune a Rexroth pump to achieve optimal performance and longevity.


Understanding Rexroth Pump Adjustments

Rexroth pumps are well known for their high-quality and durability. Proper tuning of these pumps is essential for optimal performance and longevity. Understanding the different types of Rexroth pumps and their respective adjustments is crucial for achieving the desired performance and efficiency. Improper pump tuning can lead to decreased productivity, increased wear and tear on equipment, and costly repairs.

There are several different types of Rexroth pumps, including axial piston pumps, internal gear pumps, and external gear pumps. Each of these pumps has specific adjustments that need to be made for optimal performance. For example, axial piston pumps may require adjustments to the pressure compensator, flow control valve, and swash plate angle. Internal gear pumps may require adjustments to the pressure relief valve and flow control valve.

Proper pump tuning is critical for achieving the desired performance and avoiding potential issues. Incorrect pump tuning can result in decreased efficiency, increased energy consumption, and premature wear and tear on hydraulic components. It can also lead to issues such as cavitation, which can damage the pump and other hydraulic components.

By understanding the different types of Rexroth pumps and their respective adjustments, operators can ensure that their pumps are tuned properly for optimal performance and efficiency. Regular pump tuning can help prevent costly repairs and downtime, while also extending the lifespan of the equipment.


Tools Needed for Rexroth Pump Adjustments

To properly adjust a Rexroth pump, you will need a variety of tools. These tools will help you make accurate adjustments and ensure that your pump is functioning properly. Some of the most important tools for Rexroth pump adjustments include:

  1. Pressure gauge: A pressure gauge is necessary to accurately measure the pressure of the hydraulic fluid. This tool is essential for adjusting the pressure compensator and ensuring that the pump is operating at the correct pressure.

  2. Flow meter: A flow meter measures the flow rate of the hydraulic fluid. This tool is essential for adjusting the flow control valve and ensuring that the pump is delivering the correct flow rate.

  3. Wrenches: Different size wrenches will be needed to adjust various components of the pump, such as the pressure compensator and the flow control valve.

  4. Screwdriver: A screwdriver will be needed to make adjustments to the pump's adjustment screws.

  5. Allen wrench: An Allen wrench may be needed to adjust the set screw on some Rexroth pumps.

  6. Clean rags: Clean rags are important for wiping down components and ensuring that no dirt or debris enters the pump during the adjustment process.

  7. Hydraulic oil: Additional hydraulic oil may be needed to top off the system after adjustments have been made.

By having these tools on hand and knowing how to use them properly, you can ensure that your Rexroth pump is properly adjusted and functioning at its best.


Rexroth Pump Tuning Information

Steps for Tuning a Rexroth Pump

Tuning a Rexroth pump can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be done quickly and easily. Follow these steps to tune a Rexroth pump:

  1. Gather the necessary tools: To perform pump adjustments, you will need a pressure gauge, a flow meter, and an Allen wrench. These tools are essential for accurately measuring and adjusting the pump.

  2. Check the system for leaks: Before tuning the pump, it is important to check the system for any leaks. A leak can cause inaccurate readings and make it difficult to achieve the desired pump performance.

  3. Measure the system flow rate: Use a flow meter to measure the flow rate of the hydraulic system. This measurement will serve as a baseline for adjusting the pump.

  4. Adjust the pressure compensator: The pressure compensator is responsible for regulating the pressure within the hydraulic system. Use a pressure gauge to measure the system pressure and adjust the pressure compensator accordingly.

  5. Adjust the flow control valve: The flow control valve regulates the flow rate of the hydraulic system. Use the flow meter to measure the system flow rate and adjust the flow control valve as needed.

  6. Repeat the process: After making adjustments to the pressure compensator and flow control valve, re-measure the system pressure and flow rate. If necessary, make additional adjustments until the desired pump performance is achieved.

  7. Document the settings: Once the pump is tuned, document the pressure compensator and flow control valve settings. This will make future adjustments easier and ensure consistent performance.

It is important to take accurate measurements during the tuning process to ensure that the pump is performing at its optimal level. A properly tuned Rexroth pump will improve system efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and extend the life of hydraulic components.


Rexroth Pump Tuning Information

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

While tuning a Rexroth pump, there may be several issues that can arise. Some common issues include excessive noise, leakage, vibration, and insufficient flow rate. Proper troubleshooting can help identify and resolve these issues before they cause significant damage to the hydraulic system.

Excessive Noise: Excessive noise may be caused by several factors, including incorrect pump timing, worn-out components, or air in the system. To troubleshoot this issue, the pump timing should be checked and adjusted if necessary. Worn-out components should be replaced, and the hydraulic system should be bled of any air to reduce noise.

Leakage: Leaks in the hydraulic system can occur due to worn-out seals or misaligned components. The pump should be inspected to identify any leaks, and the affected components should be replaced or realigned to prevent further leakage.

Vibration: Vibration may be caused by misaligned components or worn-out bearings. The pump should be inspected, and any misaligned components should be realigned. If worn-out bearings are identified, they should be replaced to prevent further vibration.

Insufficient Flow Rate: If the flow rate of the hydraulic system is not meeting the required specifications, it may be due to several reasons, such as worn-out components or a clogged filter. The system should be inspected to identify the root cause, and the affected components should be replaced or cleaned as necessary.

To avoid these issues, it is crucial to perform regular maintenance on the hydraulic system, including tuning the pump at the appropriate intervals. It is also essential to use high-quality components and perform all adjustments accurately to prevent potential problems from occurring.


Maintenance and Best Practices

Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of your Rexroth pump. Here are some guidelines for ongoing maintenance:

  1. Regular inspection: Regularly inspect your pump for any signs of wear and tear or damage. Check the hoses, connectors, and fittings for leaks, and inspect the pump housing and impeller for any signs of damage or wear.

  2. Fluid cleanliness: Keep the hydraulic fluid clean and free of contaminants. Dirt and debris can cause damage to the pump and other hydraulic components, leading to reduced efficiency and increased maintenance costs.

  3. Filter replacement: Replace the hydraulic fluid filters at regular intervals to ensure the hydraulic fluid remains clean and free of contaminants. A clogged filter can lead to a reduction in system performance and increased wear on the pump.

  4. Fluid levels: Check the fluid levels regularly and top off as necessary. Low fluid levels can cause the pump to work harder than necessary, leading to increased wear and tear.

  5. Calibration: Regularly calibrate the pressure compensator and flow control valve to ensure optimal performance. Take accurate measurements during the calibration process to ensure precise adjustments.

  6. Use OEM parts: When replacing any pump components, use only OEM parts to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

  7. Training: Ensure that anyone who performs maintenance or tuning on your Rexroth pump is properly trained and experienced. Improper maintenance or tuning can cause damage to the pump and other hydraulic components.

In addition to following these maintenance guidelines, there are some best practices to keep in mind when tuning your Rexroth pump:

  1. Take accurate measurements: To ensure precise adjustments, take accurate measurements of the pump's pressure and flow rate before and after making any adjustments.

  2. Make small adjustments: Make small adjustments to the pump's pressure and flow rate, and test the system before making additional adjustments.

  3. Monitor performance: After making adjustments, monitor the system's performance to ensure it is operating at the desired level. If necessary, make additional adjustments to fine-tune the system.

By following these maintenance and tuning best practices, you can ensure that your Rexroth pump operates at its optimal level and lasts for many years.


In conclusion, Rexroth pumps are critical components in hydraulic systems, and proper pump tuning is essential to achieve optimal performance and efficiency. By understanding the different types of Rexroth pumps and their respective adjustments, and using the necessary tools, it is possible to tune the pump accurately and avoid negative effects such as decreased productivity and equipment damage.

Regular maintenance and adherence to best practices are key to ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of the Rexroth pump. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, hydraulic system operators can achieve the desired pump performance and efficiency, resulting in increased productivity and reduced downtime.

Overall, it is important to recognize the importance of proper pump tuning and maintenance, as neglecting these critical aspects can lead to costly repairs, equipment damage, and decreased productivity. By prioritizing pump tuning and maintenance, operators can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of the Rexroth pump and the entire hydraulic system.